Food Miles Bake Sale
Thank you to everyone who supported our food miles themed bake sale today!
After seeking help from the creative eye of a fellow classmate, Caroline Kaufman, I was able adjust the font, color, and graphics in my...
I am an Apple Developer
https://developer.apple.com/ Yesterday, I renewed my joint Apple Developer Account I share with a fellow buisness partner, Annie...

Meeting at Atwater's
Today I vistited the Atwater's distribution facility in Catonsville, MD and it was a great experiece. The people were so nice and the...

Code Girls
My mentor for my project, Mr. Curtis, encouraged me to watch the documentary, Code Girls. It was very interesting and was very similar to...

Meeting With Poulet
I set up a meeting at Rouge Fine Catering, the supplier for Poulet. I met with Jeremy Silver who worked with me to find the amount of...

Poulet and Atwater's
I then reached out to two local buisnesses in Baltimore, Maryland. I have family connections with the restaurant, Poulet, so I was easily...